Friends and Connections

Home page of my friends and peers 👋

Yichen Liu
  • Homepage:
  • About: One of my best friends, buddies, peers, colleague. He focusing on astrophotography image processing via deep learning and other topics in astrophysics at UIUC, Department of Astronomy.
  • Github:
  • About: One of my best friends, buddies, peers, colleague. He focusing on big data analysis, internet public opinion analysis, hardware video codec, etc. Currently, he is a graduate student at the University of Macau, Department of Computer Science.
Tixuan Tan
  • Homepage:
  • About: Friends. He focusing on condensed matter theory, including correlation phenomena, topological phenomena, Moire system, etc. He currently is a PhD student at Stanford University, Department of Physics.
Zhiyao Hu
Jinchen Zhao
  • Homepage:
  • About: Friend. He focusing on quantum optics and quantum-enhenced neural network. He currently is a PhD student at Yale University, applied physics program.
Jiaxuan Li
  • Homepage:
  • About: Fiend. He focusing on astrophysics topics such as large diffuse galaxies, etc. He currently is a PhD student at Princeton University, Department of Astrophysical Science.
Jiayue Yang
  • Homepage: homepage
  • About: Friend, She focusing on theoretical physics, including black hole physics, cosmology, and string theory. She currently is a graduate student at Perimeter Institute, University of Waterloo.
Jiheng Duan 段繼恆
Jiheng Duan 段繼恆
First year PhD student

My research interests include superconducting quantum computing, high fidelity two-qubit gate, and distortion correction of digital signals.