Minecraft and Editing

Welcome 👋 to Minecraft world and my Editing

Redstone Tech

Redstone is one of the most creative and sophisticated areas in Minecraft. Player used redstone objects like piston, repeater, observer combined with slime and honey block built up logical circuits and various machineries.

About Me


My game ID is Runaway_Fancy.

6gt Roof Builder

Chorus Flower Farm

How to Use a Statistical Method to Analyze Random Tick in Minecraft and Its Application


Most of my editing project are shown above. Adobe After Effect, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Blender are often used in my editing products. One of my video was selected and presented in a famous editing collection.

:Time Gear - REMS Nether Lobby

Redz’s Editting Collection

Jiheng Duan 段繼恆
Jiheng Duan 段繼恆
First year PhD student

My research interests include superconducting quantum computing, high fidelity two-qubit gate, and distortion correction of digital signals.